在英语阅读过程中,我们经常会遇见熟悉的单词,但是在文章中的词性和意思与我们之前记忆的不一样,我们一般把这种现象称之为“熟词新意”,今天华慧考博老师在阅读《经济学人》姊妹刊《1843》杂志报道的谷爱凌(Eileen Gu)的文章中看到这句“A fearless skier who moonlights as a fashion model, a top student who preaches female empowerment in both English and Mandarin, Gu has emerged as one of the world’s hottest marketing phenomena.”中moonlight的用法就让华慧考博老师停下来思考moonlight在此句中的意义。今天华慧考博老师就带着大家一起来学习下吧。Moonlight是一个合成词,由名词moon+light合成,在上段的句子中做动词,我们一起看下柯林斯词典中对moonlight的注释及例句:
moonlight:V-I If someone moonlights, they have a second job in addition to their main job, often without informing their main employers or the tax office. (常指隐瞒雇主或税务机关的) 兼职
A qualified teacher, he moonlighted as a cabbie in the evenings to pay the rent.
他是个有执教证书的教师, 晚上兼职开出租车以赚钱付房租。
Almost every recent Greek finance minister has been an Athens university economics professor moonlighting as a politician.
Putin confessed in the interview that not long after the fall of the Soviet Union, when inflation in Russia reached double digits, he sometimes moonlighted as a taxi driver to supplement his income. “It is unpleasant to talk about this,” he said, “but, unfortunately, this also took place.”
普京在采访中坦言, 苏联解体后不久, 当俄罗斯的通货膨胀达到两位数时, 他有时会兼职当出租车司机以补贴家用。“谈论这件事令人不快,”他说, “但不幸的是, 这是发生过的事情”。
Well, maybe you are a nurse... but you moonlight as a waitress.
嗯,或许你是护士…… 但是你晚上兼差当服务生。

综合柯林斯词典的解释及外刊例句,美剧中的表达,我们可以总结moonlight 作动词时,表示“(暗中)兼职、从事第二职业”,尤其指本职工作的老板不知情,政府也不收税的兼职。
1、do moonlighting(此处moonlighting为名词):做兼职
Eg. He's been doing some moonlighting for another company. 他一直在另一家公司做兼职。
2、do a moonlight (flit) :(为逃避还钱)半夜潜逃
When I called to get the money she owed me, I found she’d done a moonlight flit. 我打电话向她催债时,发现她已经逃走了。衍生词
Eg. Do you have extra time? Become a moonlighter today!
关于 moonlight 今天就讲到这里。最后送各位一句出自英国作家、诗人、散文家奥斯卡·王尔德(Oscar Wilde)的励志名言共勉:
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. (The Picture of Dorian Gray)
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